Why I Am Disgusted - I just need to say some words about the current situation in MacWarez(MacFilez). - For those of you who are new to macwarez...meaning came here after september of last year, you should know that this place was alot more fun and may i say “happier”. Number one is the fact that there was no terming like there is today. Peoples accounts used to last practically forever. Until AOL Killed them on the 3rd or 4th billing day. Now everybody is killing themselves. AOL will have no need to get rid of us, we are killing ourselves. A year ago there was no scamble for prefixes or begging for accounts. Prefixes where plentiful because no one was terming each other..therefor aol had no help in finding out our prefixes. Yes everytime you term someone AOL runs Both of you through Cris. Its like you going to Comptons Encyclopedia and typeing in George Washington and pressing return. What happens next?..A whole shit load of info pops on your screen...well thats what aol does. They type in your Screen name and immediately they are presented with all the info you typed in when you made that account. Amazing right? Not really..... Its a simple concept. If they see your prefix around too much they make it go bye bye. Now some of you genius’s will say “Well if they look us both up why dont I get termed” Why not ??? Cause your leading them to more people. If AOL Keeps terming the people you request to be termed..your gonna keep terming people right!!!!! You think your all hot shit cause you can term eachother...well in reality your helping AOL. Well I guess the point I’m getting at is, that there no longer is respect between one another. - A year ago when two people where mad at eachother..they either mail bombed each other or IM bombed eachother...less than 10 % of the people knew there was a KeyWord Guide Pager or KeyWord KO Help, because no one cared. Also a year ago there was no Tool, Hell, Patch competition. It was more like an uploading competition. People Like Illuminator and Mice and Madness used to get 100% respect. They uploaded Everything you asked for. Now the people in MacWarez don’t even know or remeber those kinda people. “Some” of you people only respect people who “Make” stuff for AOL..and you people are 100% wrong. - Another thing that made me fucking sick is when about a week ago i was in a chat room and some one made a comment to a guy named “Guedo”this hot shot Guedo responds “hey fucker you want me to term you”...and the other person, I forgot his Screen Name.. said “No” and Guedo responds “then shut the fuck up” and the other guy had to say “yes Sir” Well I dunno about you but that put me over the top. That is plain sick that one person makes himself bigger than another person, mainly because he can send a nice guide page or IM. The bigger more respectful person in this situation is the one who said Yes Sir and didnt comment Back. People Like Guedo and ALieN i pitty, you think your hot shit cause you can term people....Well your both low life pussys who are ruining it for everyone else. Now I found other people who where terming people and i asked them all nicely to stop.. and some did. Then i threatened the rest and they stopped. So these two are the only 2 right now who should be looked down on and pittied. - What I’m getting out of this is the fact that the New Terming Fad is 70% of the reason Warez rooms are dieing. And I would like it if you people started thinking like you did 12 months ago......Then when someone termed another, people got disgusted at the person who sent the guide page. Now some people seem to worship the people who term, Mainly because your afraid of them. Well Dont be. This is a free country , you are equal to everyone else! And no one has the right to make you smaller than others. And being that this is a free country....In our constitution we are granted the right of free speech... And In writing this rather long statement I am under no means violating anything or any right granted to us. Think about it, -OJ-